Microsoft Stores
Earned Campaigns
More than 1 in 3 kids have been cyberbullied, but both parents and kids often don’t know the best way to respond or protect themselves. So we created an earned campaign timed to National Bullying Prevention month to help give them the tools.
We developed an infographic for media and a series of anti-bullying gifs teens could use when confronting bullying online. The GIFs were viewed over 23 million times and the story resulted in dozens of article placements.
My Role: Design Director
Illustrator / Animation Designer: Fabio Benê
Earned-Media Infographic
Microsoft Store wants to position themselves as a go-to resource for small business owners. To that end, each year they collect and publish survey data on industry trends. Our job was to package and share that raw data into an accessible and visually-appealing format to share with media to drive increased story coverage. The graphic I designed below helped the story get pick-up in dozens of trade publications.
My Role: Design Lead
Creative Director / Copywriter: Dan Hofstadter